Wednesday, March 9, 2011

9 March 2011 - Checkin' Out ADAM

I wanted to make an Adam and Eve joke, or a bioshock reference, but I am so not witty tonight.  Blargrarrgragurgle.

SO.  ADAM-12 is a gene which is normally only slightly active in adults.  It goes up in people who have cancer and some other problems, or normally when a person is pregnant.  Scientists noted that in normal people an inhibitor is present to keep ADAM-12 down (or in parts of the body where less should be present, such as in pregnant women), so they're hypothesizing that with a little more research, an inhibitor or some kind of co-factor that goes along with ADAM-12 could be the answer to controlling the spread of cancer and other problems.  It kinda makes sense, they just gotta figure out how it works and what is causing the change.  For now we know ADAM-12 plays a role in keeping cells together, so it's a good lead.

Personally I'm not real positive they're looking at a cause so much as just another symptom, but I look forward to hearing what they find out!  In the meantime, it just strikes me as "hey we noticed something!  *Looks closer*  Now what does it mean?"  If they can figure it out, though, it'll be another great addition to the ever-gaining-momentum race to cure cancer!  :)

-Miss Mouse

References and Links:
It can also arthritis cure:

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