Friday, March 11, 2011

11 March 2011 - I'll Take a Super Awesome Latte, Please

Normally I absolutely detest studies and articles based solely on "linked."  "Link found between," "blah and blargitty may be linked," "Is such linked to and-such?"  Those headlines drive me bonkers.

Any scientist will tell you that a LINK means nothing.  Maybe if you mean between two genes, sure, but if your link is noticing that people who breathe also take showers you may be missing something.  I liked this article, though, so I'm sharing it.

It's about coffee (and now you know why I like it).  I am only a little ashamed.

For aboot ten years, researchers monitored a group of about 35,000 women (a little less, actually) and their coffee intake.  They looked at several other factors and adjusted for them, with a result that women who drank very little or no coffee at all experienced a higher chance at having a stroke.  I am extremely hesitant to believe a study like this (because SO many factors can mess it up, like I mentioned before), but it's nice to hear good things about coffee.  Guess we better keep an eye on that bit about Colombian coffee being hit hard by the heat and weather!

The article mentions that it's too soon to go chugging coffee just because of their results.  If you're like me, though, you don't need a reason!

-Miss Mouse

References and Links:
Coffee Beats Up Strokes:
Colombian Coffee Yields Dropping; Thanks a LOT, Weather:

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