Monday, March 7, 2011

7 March 2011 - It Came from Outer Space

I think when I expected to write a blog for Monday morning that more would have happened on the weekend.  So today we have an article about possible aliens in meteorites.  And by "aliens" I mean bacteria.  Still exciting, but uninterested in Reece's Pieces.

A fella from NASA with an extensive resume of poking bacteria (see article) cracked open a few meteorites and published his very interesting findings Friday.  That paper explained fossilized bacteria he had found inside that he believes originated off-planet.  Obviously this is causing a big stir and a lot of reviews, in addition to re-raising the argument on the origin of life and cells as we know them.  I will be excited to see how it turns out!  Numerous experts/professionals have been invited to review the paper, and I foresee a lot of passionate critiques in both directions.

Photo from article, copyright PNAS

-Miss Mouse

References and Links:
Aliens in Rocks

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