Tuesday, March 29, 2011

29 March 2011 - Bullied Mouse Braaaaiiiins

I reserve the right to skip blogging for the next few weeks if:
  • I wind up getting that wrist surgery I desperately need
  • There is not time for at least four hours of sleep
  • I'm rushing through several weeks of material to pass the last couple of weeks of class I have left
  • I'm out of town (a-freakin-gain)
Hilariously, that means I might not be blogging much.  But every morning that I can, I will!  Yaaaayscience.

No really, ya can't make this up.  I currently have enough obligations in my life to keep a small village busy and I'm searching for change in the couch to fill my gas tank (how do I manage to be in a different town one-two times a week when I work every single night?  Hey, overtime will cover it, right?  Right?  RIGHT??)

Enough of that.  Y'all have your busies, too, and that's why I do this thing!

Today's post is on mouse brains.

It seems like basic logic that a mouse who is bullied learns to be more cautious around new mice, but there's more to it than that.  Mice were placed in with bigger, meaner mice for ten minutes (I breed mice, and this makes me cringe to think about - they don't need that ten minutes to kill each other if they're serious!), then separated but left close enough to still induce stress.  They then tried placing the mice with larger, but nonthreatening (how do they figure...) mice and noted behavioral changes consistent with fear, anxiety, and cautiousness.  They then checked out the brain and noted that they had a markedly higher sensitivity to vasporessin, an important hormone associated with the behavior (and other behaviors, including in people).

Mice that were given vasopressin blockers showed less of the wary behavior when placed in with the nonthreatening mice.

You know, I am absolutely FOR using animals in labs.  I believe we have excellent standards in place by IACUC and have seen firsthand how strict the inspections are.  But man, the mouse breeder in me just really knows how serious male aggression in mice is.  They don't need ten minutes, man.  In an enclosure with little or no cover, they can rip each other right apart.  It's like cichlids.  Just, yipes.

What I'm REALLY curious about is how they tested with "non-threatening" mice.  One assumes, based on the territorial statement in the article, that the mice being tested are male.  Females can be aggressive but this is pretty rare and short-lived as they sort out a pecking order in the colony.  So if you're putting in nonthreatening mice to examine followup behaviors, how do you get a nonthreatening mouse?  It has to be male, or you have to take into account sexual hormones.  It has to be a nonfamiliar mouse or you have to take into account imprinting and familiarity, which can also incorporate hormones and scent.  So you have to have a completely new, male mouse.

Just how do you plan on getting new mouse not to attack?  Eh, I know there is a lot more going on than the summary shows, but I would LOVE to read the actual paper.  Alas, I have only access to the abstract.  :)

See you guys soon!
-Miss Mouse

References and Links:
Mouse Bullies (Physorg):

Mouse Bullies with Bigger Words (ScienceDirect):


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I am just gonna keep on being lame until...oh...Thursday?  Or Friday.  Reason?  My second round of exams, a project, a few writing assignments, and all the non-school things that life throws atcha.

Sorry, guys.  I gotta prioritize this week.  :(  There's been a lot of espresso.  A looooot of espresso.  I'll tweet when I can but mostly I'm gonna be nose-in-the-books.

-Miss Mouse

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

15 March 2011

I'm sorry.  I started to research for this post, but I simply can't.

This morning my rat passed away.  My fiance found her dead in her cage on our way out the door to deliver the rescued puppy to his new home two hours South.  It hailed on us halfway to our destination with rains so heavy we could barely see the road, let alone other cars.  Upon being given the chance to explore his new backyard once he arrived, in only sprinkling rain, the puppy chose to hide fearfully underneath a trailor, too low to the ground and muddy for us to get under it and pull him back out.  Then it started to pour.

We finally got puppy out, dried off, and left with his new home and drove back to town.  We had to scrape together pocket change to make the trip thanks to gas prices and our own not-so-fortunate situation.

I arrive at work at 11 PM like usual, pull up my homework, and discover who my group members were for our online group project.  I then discover they did the majority of the thing a week early and have since assumed I'm not participating.

Then I get three texts from my mother - one that the rabbit I've had since I was a little girl (he's old like crazy) hasn't been able to get up or eat for the past three days and will only take water out of a spoon.  The other two texts were picture messages of my dying pet.  He will be put to sleep in the morning if he survives that long.

I'm so sorry I'm such a bummer tonight guys.  I simply cannot pull my mind together enough for Science today.  I promise this isn't going to be another indefinite break - I will be back at 6 AM tomorrow, provided my house doesn't burn down and I don't get in a horrible car accident.

-Miss Mouse

P.S. - About a zillion other people are having way worse days than me right now, so if you have ten dollars you can part with, hold off on the pizza with extra anchovies or whatever the heck your vice may be for one more paycheck, and consider donating to those affected in Japan right now.  If you know someone over there, remember that not hearing from them doesn't necessarily mean anything - communication is pretty tough to manage right now.

Probably the easiest way to donate is by texting REDCROSS to 90999.  You'll get a $10 donation on your phone bill.  Voila.  Even if you need every cent you have like me, go walk the parking lot in front of your grocery store.  Betcha can find enough change to toss into the cause.  :)