Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Testing, Testing, Uno Dos Tres!

First, I must point out if I haven't already, that the twitter feed has gone from updating once every now and then to multiple times a day. It's great stuff, even if I don't write about all of it, and I highly recommend checkin it out.

Also, I just realized the twitter widget insists on opening all links in the widget instead of in a new page. Sorry 'bout that. I'll fix it when I figure out how.

ALSO, I'm writing this on my phone to try it out...but the lack of formatting is driving me le-bonkers. Meh. Hence the testing.

So! If you haven't already, I really recommend reading both the paper and critique of the arsenic bacteria so frequently discussed lately. The blogged response and link is here: http://bit.ly/he8ECs

Sorry about this not really being an awesome post. I'm pretty zonked. There really is a ton of snazzy Science on the feed, check it. Be back soon!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

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