Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Here we go!

My name is Miss Mouse, and I'm a college student.  The tale of my schooling is a long one, but suffice it to say I am a microbiology major, shooting for vet school OR micro grad work, with a minor in sociology.  It's never stopped me from dabbling in other sciences at all, but micro is my core interest.  I also mess around with other biologies, astronomy, the occasional physics, and (dare I call it a science?) psychology.  Truthfully, if it's Science, I dig it.

Except for Chemistry.  Chemistry's a pain.  Interesting, though.

Okies, so this blog is going to be largely about news in Science compiled from various scientific news sites (cited as I go), so tune into me to catch the latest in capital S Science!  :D

-Miss Mouse

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